Modelle apparse su Penthouse come Pet of the Month o Pet of the Year.A few months later, the first Pet of the Year was selected, the winner being Stephanie McLean. She was also eligible for Pet of the Year as the selection process differs from Playboy's Playmate of the Year.) The election for the American edition of the magazine wasn't announced until the May 1971 issue. (Evelyn was on the cover of the first edition in the US (September 1969) and was the first Pet of the Month. Contrary to what has been written over the years by various media, the first Pet of the Year was not Evelyn Treacher. Unlike Playboy, it may be several years before a model becomes "Pet of the Year" after their initial centerfold. Pet of the Year names are in bold type and are typically featured in the January issue of the year for which they are selected.

This is a list of the models who have appeared in the American edition of Penthouse magazine and were either named Pet of the Month or Pet of the Year from September 1969 to the present.La llista és cronològica encara que és possible ordenar-la per nom punxant en la part superior de la taula. A diferència de Playboy, pot passar diversos anys abans que una model es converteixi en Pet of the Year després de la seva primera aparició. Els noms de Pets of the Year tenen caràcters en negreta i normalment apareixen al número de gener de l'any per al qual es seleccionen. Aquesta és una llista de les models que han aparegut a l'edició americana de la revista Penthouse i que es van denominar Pet of the Month (en català: Mascota del mes) o Pet of the Year (en català: Mascota de l'any) des de setembre de 1969 fins al present.“If she wanted to make this kind of statement, that would be her business, but the statement wasn’t made by her.”ĭespite this, Williams managed to relaunch herself and carve a successful career as a singer and actress. “The single victim in all of this was the young woman herself, whose right to make this decision was taken away from her,” TIME quoted Hefner as saying. But Hefner refused the material and called the publication of Williams' pictures as "immoral" and "improper." The photographer had also told her that the pictures wouldn’t be published.Īccording to a TIME article, the nude photos were first offered to Playboy. She was working as a photographer’s assistant at the time, and the photographer had assured her that they would be silhouettes. The photographs were taken two years before Williams won the Miss America title. A 1984 issue featured nude photographs of the actress after she became the first Black Miss America, and the pictures cost her the title. One of the most famous faces featured in Penthouse was Vanessa Williams. Its tradition of choosing a model for Pet of the Month began in 1969, while the first Pet of the Year, Evelyn Treacher, was named in 1970. in 1965 by American photographer Bob Guccione to compete with Hugh Hefner's Playboy, men's magazine Penthouse has been featuring hardcore pornographic photos since the 1990s.